Account Information & History
Hi Demeter Fans!
We have ported over each customer's order history going back to 2016! Just use your email from the old Demeter Fragrance log in, a code will then be sent to that email. Type that code in and you're in! All your order history is there.
To redeem your points, log into your account with the email you used for your previous orders, and you will see you have 100 points in your account. You can apply this at checkout!
If there are any issues, please email and we will manually add your history. Hassle Free!
• 一个香薰漏斗
• 六个滴管
• 一个 1 盎司可再填充瓶,带泵、瓶盖和可定制标签 - 最适合与永久记号笔配合使用
• 混合条方便混合
使用 Demeter 单香调香水作为您的调色板,混合和个性化您自己的香水所需的一切,除了香水之外。除小瓶外,所有德米特古龙水均可重复使用,因此可以打开香水并在混合瓶中混合香水。
以德墨忒尔 (Demeter) 的方式用香味表达您的创造力