Store Locator
We are still adding our current international stores and distributors, so come back to stay up to date!
Attention Retailers, Boutiques, & More:
We are looking for new locations in the following major cities: New York City, Los Angeles, Chicago, and Miami!
If you are interested in carrying Demeter Fragrance, please reach out to info@demeterfragrance and you will be routed to the appropriate party to see how we can work together!
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• 六个滴管
• 一个 1 盎司可再填充瓶,带泵、瓶盖和可定制标签 - 最适合与永久记号笔配合使用
• 混合条方便混合
使用 Demeter 单香调香水作为您的调色板,混合和个性化您自己的香水所需的一切,除了香水之外。除小瓶外,所有德米特古龙水均可重复使用,因此可以打开香水并在混合瓶中混合香水。
以德墨忒尔 (Demeter) 的方式用香味表达您的创造力